
Development and recreation within our natural environments are contributing to an increased 风险 of wildfire and its negative impacts to life and property. When combined with increasingly dynamic climate cycles, our natural world and communities remain at 风险 without informed preparation. Our team of 500+ diverse specialists are committed to supporting the resiliency of people, 属性, 资产, and operations through an increasingly complex range of hazards, 风险, 以及由于野火造成的脆弱性.


Our wildfire 风险 mitigation and resilience experts support 准备, 规划, 响应和恢复策略, incorporating the latest research in wildfire science, 气候变化, 灾害管理和消防工程. 皇家88娱乐的风险, 风险, and vulnerability assessments account for spatial and non-spatial physical, 社会, 经济, 生态因素. This approach provides our clients with a holistic understanding to support decision-making, adaptive solutions and long-term resiliency at parcel, 社区, 企业, 县, 区域尺度.


Our team not only shapes and supports the development of core regulations for wildfire safety, but we also develop custom Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) strategies, Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) and private, business and utility protection plans to support the preservation of land investments, 经济和社区. We go beyond vegetation management and property protection to encompass prevention, 准备, 响应, 通过与联邦政府合作来恢复, 状态, 部落, 以及地方司法管辖区, 法律和应急机构, 防火安全委员会, 社区团体, 林业工作者, 土地资源管理者和公众.


为了应对日益增长的规模, 严重程度, and frequency of wildfire events and the impacts on life safety and critical infrastructure, our team partners with transportation 规划 experts, evacuation researchers and 社会 scientists to develop an integrated approach to assessments and wildfire evacuation 规划. 皇家88娱乐与火一起工作, 警察, emergency services and community organizations to understand vulnerabilities and capacities in the event of a wildfire and effectively communicate with, 安全避难或疏散居民, 游客, 以及公众.


Understanding the complex nature of wildfires and their impact on the built environment, 资源, and people requires strong links to academic institutions, 监测最新的野火科学, and foundational research and testing with local and national partners. Our commitment to these relationships and the culminating research evolves with the changing climate, human development patterns and complicated interactions of the human-environment systems and needs.


Our forensics and wildfire teams provide support investigating wildfire incidents for the insurance industry, 政府机构, 以及其他私人实体. We provided investigation and analysis for many of the nation’s largest wildfires, 包括伍尔西大火, 加州的托马斯火和坎普火, 巴斯托普复合火灾, 科西加纳大火, the Twisp Wildfire in Washington and the Saint Mary’s Mission fire. Our experts’ depth of knowledge is based on applicable experience navigating the nuances of wildfire investigation, 诉讼和其他火灾后评估.




Current PhD Student, Wildfire Resiliency and GISciences, MS:灾害风险管理 & 适应气候变化; 消防工程硕士 硕士,结构工程, 学士,土木工程, 体育:钙、 事故指挥系统101及700; 社区紧急应变小组(CERT), NFPA结构着火潜力评估项目; 加州环境质量法案(CEQA)


Manager, Fire Protection, Emergency 服务, 减轻野火风险

MPA,公共管理硕士; 行政消防主任 消防与安全工程学士, 消防总长,前任消防总长, 注册消防专员(CFPS); 消防调查技术员; Member Grade (MIFireE), Institute of Fire Engineers, 二级消防督察及图则主任 Fire Protection Engineering Technology-Certified Engineering Technologist (CET)


本科,电气工程, BS,森林资源管理; 注册PE: CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, TX, MT, AK, 注册消防调查员 注册火灾及爆炸调查员 持牌私家侦探 精炼厂培训计划
